Happy 7th Birthday Liam!
I just can't believe little Liam is 7 years old. His actual Birthday was January 12th. Which was a Wednesday. You can't have a Birthday Party on a Wednesday.....it's a school night. My friends simply can't come on a school night. What are you thinking???...said little Liam. So the next best thing is to have it on a Saturday. Which is exactly what we did. We had not just
any party today......we had a TRON LEGACY 3D MOVIE PARTY. Yep, that's right. We invited our best pals to spend the afternoon at the movies. It was a blast. Anyone that knows Liam....well....knows his love for movies and the theatricals! He has had that passion as long as I can remember. Which would be all of 7 years!!! He loves movies, movies, and more movies. He loves to be in full character and act out his favorite movie scenes. He is quiet the little enthusiast.
Liam and his buddy Coby. Coby is also our neighbor. He is one of the summer bunch. They run back and forth from each others houses all summer long. In one pool one minute.....in one back yard another. It is a tough bunch to keep up with. They are all over the place.
Tron Birthday Cupcakes! So yummy. And yes.....I did bring wipes because you can only imagine with that color of icing what little hands and faces look like after devouring a decadent cupcake like one of these.
On the menu.....Cheese, Meat & Crackers, PB&J Star shaped sandwiches, Puffy Swirly Cheetos, Tron Cupcakes, Apple Juice, Pink Lemonade, & Water.
Party Favors.....Ironman pencil & notepad, Transformer coloring kit, Star Wars stickers, Animal stickers, Batman boomerang, Glow in the dark alien, Smiley face slinky, Peanut butter M&M's, & Scooby snacks.
Hanging Out
What a group!!!
My Sweet Boys!
Snacks before the movie starts.
I slipped a Diet Coke in the cooler just for me.....I saw one kid trying to sneak off with it.....but luckily I was able to catch it just in time! You can imagine how badly I needed my DC. I might be the only parent of a 7 year old (probably not) that doesn't let him drink pop. He hasn't ever had any....and as many of you know I have an awful addiction, which could be why I don't want him to get hooked, well and the fact that it isn't healthy! Any way, Liam said something right away..."Hey you can't drink that Diet Coke. You have to be 32 like my mom. " Good job Liam!
Liam and his good friend Canon. They are like brothers....you never know what to expect!
Liam and Devin. They have known each other for a very long time. 7 years! Devin went to Grace Baptist Daycare and Preschool with Liam.
L ove
Liam and sweet Hailey
N eed I say more!
Before the movie, the kids got to take a tour of how the movie projectors work and behind the scenes. Liam kept thinking he was going to meet the actors from the movie Tron. Sorry dude.....Mama couldn't pull those kind of strings.
My son....may or may not....have been involved in an incident where a hand was put in front of a projection of a movie that was already in progress. Whoops!!!
So cute
Before the movie started, our movie and party host (very sweet man, but he talked eeeexxxxttttrrrreeeemmmmeeeellllyyyy slow), introduced Liam and announced his 7th birthday. The crowd went nuts. Well.....our 10 party guests went nuts! :)
Our host gave me a hug before I left.
Here's how the movie went for me.......I spent every five minutes taking a child to the bathroom, switching my seat from one end to the other depending on what kids kept talking, passing out drinks, gathering garbage, helping find 3D glasses that had fallen under seats, telling kids to put back on the glasses and that is why they couldn't see the screen clearly, shhhhhhhhhhhhhing kids, telling Liam to quit throwing his slinky around, and trying to get my husband's attention to see if he was aware of any of these things going on.
So.....if you ask me what Tron was about.....I'll get back to you on that!
What a day. Monkey had a blast and is fast asleep as I type away about his perfect 7th Birthday!